Call for Entries: International Filmmaker Festival of New York

NY Elite Magazine – The International Filmmaker Festival of New York call for entries opened on January 31 and it will close on April 10, 2018, the latest deadline to submit films to compete. Filmmakers can apply online via IFFNY webiste ( or via Filmfreeway.

General Rules:

*All filmmakers from around the world who have produced feature films, short films and documentary films in the last 3 years are entitled to apply in the International Filmmaker Festival of New York.

*Festival has Competition Program and Promotional Program.

*All projects should be in English Subtitles.

*Feature films must be more than 60 minutes.

*Short films must not exceed 30 minutes.

*Not acceptable projects are:

– Projects that have been presented in Television or Internet,
– Projects those are older than 3 years,
– Projects without English subtitles,
– Projects with technique problems.

The full rules and deadlines can be viewed here. To apply click here.

Launched in 2012 in New York, the International Filmmaker Festival of New York was designed to advance the film culture and is open to all established and aspiring filmmakers from around the world. Organized by Nil Production, the festival has gained popularity in town for its high quality show, the red carpet experience,  awards gala and the VIP presence during the opening ceremony. The festival opens on Friday, May 25, 2018 and the winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.



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